Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Carrier Carnival~

Its a good day to add another entry to my belog.... so.... here goes..... UTeM had just organized a carrier day at the campus last wednesday and thrusday. So to make it happen the HEPA (hal ehwal pelajara & alumni) appointed some of the students to run as the crew. In my class, Nabil is one of the student who r active in sort of stuff, u know the tolong2 sane, tolong2 sini, usha2 awek, that kind of shit.... which is good actually, takder ar pisang sgt kitorang...... so number of my classmates end up joinin the event....... ^_^ (u guys are super cool n easy to work with). and not to forget ader 2 MPP muder also joinin us... FIZA & WANI...... Hao Hao~

So Nabil, wat ar meeting to segregate the keje2, some take care of the food (which is the MOST IMPORTANT thing, duh......) some got the responsibility to handle the goodies, and as for me n Azie.... we are the MC (which stands for Masters of Ceremony if u guys still wondering what the heck does MC stands for...... believe me, most of us dont know, which is something not to be ashame of..... ), great now u learnt something...... so back to being the MC, both Azie n me thought it would be fun (Nabil cought me when i'm high when he ask me to be the MC.... ha3).....

So on the 1st day of the carnival, i was freaking out as i haven't been a MC for a long time, the last time was in my NS (plkn) and again i was high when given the job.... ha3 (high on wat, its me to know and you to shut up~ha3) And guess wat.....? 1 hour earlier, my dad called and asked me.....

wei azie maner....?

dad:  Son, so hows the preparation....? Do u know wat to do...?
Me:  I think i got it dad...... but do i have to bla bla bla (askin who to greet n how to 
         start n stuff.....)
dad:  bla bla bla bla, and thats how u do it son.......
me:   hey....thanks pop..... i really need it......i think i can handle this....^_^
dad:  ok good luck.....

so, then i got some tips from my dad and i sat with Azie writing down what should be said nanti...... And whent he clock pointing to 9.30am.... its go time..... So i did it, and Azie sounds so pro~!!! woot2..... it turns up great...... and the rest of the crew was giving full cooperation to the program, food been delivered, attendance been recorded, gifts been handout, everyones happy.....!!!!
crew busy ngasingkan goodies for the booth, that will be given by the NC~

givin up goodies to NC with Qistina & Iman~

seb baek ader crowd.....

NC handing out the goodies.....

view from above~
At the end of every talk given by company representative, there'll be a quiz session, byk giler hadiah company2 tuh bagi,...... bags of goodies, hampers, mcm2 ar......so congrats to the one who got the hadiah-sssss..... ha3.....

The 2nd Day of the carnival was quite ~hambar~ as its thursday..... byk kot student ader test, punyer ar pandai UTeM wat carnival time2 org n test, but tetapi, ader jer student yg dtg, and when biler kite ajak duduk denga talk, dier kate.....

crew: jemput lah duduk n denga lecture dr company2 nih......tu kusi  byk g kosong....
student: eh takper ar bang, sayer ader class ni, nia jap g kol sebelas...

later..........smp kol 2 kot dier dok merayau kat situ.... cait............#^%$#$@^*# ape pandangan pelawat2 luar biler tgk student2 dok belajan2 time diorang bg talk..... per da..... (student2 camni ar kiter carik.... baguih tol depa nih......) tapi takper ar..... bley ar crew2 lepak,since 1st day da sibuk giler......  we had  a great time though....... ^_^ to all of the crew members, WeLL DONE~!!! nex time kite wat g ar....

here are some pics......



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so.....wats for lunch?

with york~


with HONDA~

with CAD-IT~

the END~


  1. mg best sngt2 dlm dua ari 2....tp penat 2 x terkata la....(wlaupn kdang2 2 ad gk skip keje)kikikiki ^_~
